Learners trailblazing to the top and beyond

Everest Scholars is designed to empower students for the 21st century and beyond. The online courses and tutoring are to help students thrive academically and socially in the world of constant change.

Everest Scholars -  online courses and tutoring for students

There is a big need for learning and teaching to be different - to keep up with the changes taking place. Our goal is to help students embrace change and look forward to new possibilities in the future. 


Core Values

Everest Scholars - Core Value: Creativity


Everest Scholars - Core Value: Collaboration


Everest Scholars - Core Value: Critical Thinking

Critical thinking

Everest Scholars - Core Value: Communication



Instructional design theories and models used

Everest Scholars Educators design and adapt K-12 curriculum

Universal Design for Learning

Encourages educators to design and adapt curriculum

Project-Based Learning

Giving students opportunities to investigate complex questions, or problems

Inquiry method

Student-centered - sparks student’s curiosity and encourages self-motivation

Everest Scholars tutorials offer students paper and digital learning tools

Blended learning

Offering students variety of teaching strategies by using both paper and digital tools


Top Online Tutoring Solution Provider 2023

Education Technology Insights awarded Everest Scholars as a top online tutoring solution provider for 2023. Everest Scholars is recognized as a leading company empowering a New Era of Online Learning. As a virtual learning tech specialist, Everest Scholars is determined to provide students with an authentic learning experience based on their individual needs.


Do you have any questions

for online course(s), tutoring, or working with us?

We’ll reach out to you asap!